National radar

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years eve cruise

Woke up Early and set sails into an unknown situation. The forecast was calling out 15 mph winds that was going to be 20+ by afternoon. I have sailed in both and there is a fair amount of difference between the to wind speeds.
Short story is , I made it to a spot(that could have easily been occupied but wasn't) and set anchors out and tied to this handy dandy mooring someone put here, all before the heavier wind picked up!!
I sailed in 3-4 foot seas all morning and now(3:46pm) are a good 5-6+ seas and choppy.
This spot I found on google maps showed a boat here. but researching further found out that there was 8 ft of water !!
I got things set up to live here a day or two and then proceeded to try some fishing, some little pcs of shrimp got me some bigger bait for later so I tried to use a lure , (setting down a baited hook) and stepped in to get the lure , when my fine furry friend decided it was edible.
She ate hook and all....
The hook was one of those little gold hooks used for bluegill and bait-fish.
3/4 in long w/ 3/8 radius.
And now I get to worry through New Years eve and beyond , waiting for her to , A. pass the hook, or B. start acting like the hook has set inside her somewhere,While listening to the wind howl and scream through the night!
Folks , this could be a bad way to start the year.
By the way, Boca Chica is an Air Force base and is about a mile east of me and the airport for key west is about 2 miles west of me....I guess it's not my first time being anchored by an air traffic zone.

I hope everyone else has  a great New Years Eve and make it home through amateur night!


  1. Got any potatoes? That can speed things up dogs dont digest them and it pushes shouldnt have ate that scock/rock stuff thru faster... Good luck kitty poop that hook whole!

  2. The only two advice comments I got went to the "freak-out" extreme that would cost a lot of money. I did a quick internet search for any who have had the same experience. If the hook is not stainless steel, it is a possibility that her stomach acids could just disintegrate the hook. People have actually commented that the line on a hook would be far worse than the hook itself. If she does have a problem with it, she may experience, listlessness, vomiting, blood in stools, etc. So, just keep an eye on her closely for the next few days.

  3. Thanks Collette and Carol, I did online search also. got the same info except for the tater thing, but with the weather taters may as well be a thousand miles away. I read about Metamucil, also same. I was wondering about something to make her stomach acid stronger, but I think she will just pass it unless it turns around in her stomach. It HAD to go down bottom first or I would know it already.
    fingers crossed.
    I saw my Dad's lab eat glass once. crunched it up like rock candy. lived for several years after too.

  4. Good luck I hope she just passes it, Have a Happy new year.
