National radar

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yesterdays walk.

Since I wasn't riding yesterday, I got the chance to get some reaction time to snap some shot while going to and from the PO.
First I would like to say thank you and Merry Christmas to Glenn and Joann Dean and Mac from Gypsy, for the stuff!
I had no idea canned butter and bacon even existed till I opened this gift!

Next the things I see walking sometimes are surprising, while I had been told about the lizards down here , this was the first time I have seen one , and boy do these critters run! very fast, almost rabbit fast!!
this one was about 24" long!

I have to mention that not only is Florida the land of sunshine, It also seems to be the land of murals and wall paintings.!

Last night was the meeting for Boot Key Harbor occupants with FWC and USCG and Marathon's  Mayor at the city marina. 
I stayed until the first break and what I heard during that time was nothing new to me.
While I am sure that the FWC spokesman was trying to allay the fear and prejudice that is present in the harbor , I have the feeling that , if anything he has merely changed it to confusion and resentment.
While I was there , one of the captain's comments has stuck in my mind.
We (an angry group of over 100 cruisers) were told that we were required to know the laws.
OK fine .
With in 5 min he also said that his officers DO NOT know all the laws.
Shortly after that the meeting started to get loud and nothing was really getting accomplished.
I don't know what happened after I left , but I have the feeling things stayed barely civil. 
I would like to think something positive was learned by both parties but I have the feeling that nothing real was accomplished. 

In a short summary, this 'law vs citizens' scenario seems to be happening everywhere.
When laws grow rampant as weeds do , maybe it's time to get the mower out.


  1. Love the pictures. I agree Robin, time for us to mow the (law)ns .

  2. Thanks Heather! well done on the word structuring!
