National radar

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Cruise

Leaving Boot Key Harbor today was a test of patience. I had stayed up past 1:am trying to get things situated and get all my ducks in a row , only to finally say "enough, I'll get the rest in the morning".
I woke up as the Boot key radio net started(was hoping to be out and running by then),
 and finished prepping DAWGFISH for the likelihood of heavy wind.
I am not sure when I hoisted anchor but it was after 9:30am and I was skeptical on whether I could make it to a safe spot before the wind picked up.
I got my sail up when I got to the channel in the harbor. And creeped along at 1-1.5 mph westbound.
The float plan didn't account for that either.
I did manage to snap a shot of this cool ship that was unique to the harbor due to it's mast angle.

I stopped and tried to give Dave his camp stove back(which he gave it to me when I tried ) and said bye again.
So after finally getting out of the harbor channel markers at about 11-12 I was fairly bummed out and dreading the battle I knew was coming, until a chick on a wave runner passing waved and yelled " I am sooo jealous!"....I grinned and waved with a laugh and continued on in brighter spirits!
Leaving the confined, claustrophobic atmosphere of boot key ( which now was boasting well over 200 vessels , all bigger than mine) I see the sight of "endless expanse of water".....spirit soaring, I hoist another sail and head for the opening in the 7 Mile Bridge, and trying to think up a new Christmas song along the way!
I almost was at the bridge when the cold front (that was predicted for way later) arrived like a hammer!
The seas went from near flat to 2' chop in a blink.
Since I was kind of expecting something like this I was ready and had one sail down and one sail reefed in under 90 seconds. "Game on " I thought.
The "east northeast wind" that was predicted ended up being a north northwest wind that had my full attention for the rest of the trip .
I sailed to the opening of the 7 mile bridge and motored through into 4-5 foot chop with whitecaps blowing spray....
.....jaw clenched , motor singing and Kitty lookin at me like I was a talking cheeseburger, we motored northward to the "ICW" (which is packed with crab pots down here) catching air a time or 2 and getting more than just damp but not soaked, just wet enough to keep camera and phone below.
Upon reaching the ICW we turn west, north wind now abeam, genny reefed ship at 25-30 degree heel cruising at 4-5 Mph...... Absolutely loving ever second from that point on!!
after setting anchor by Little Pine key I got some pix finally!
 This is the bridge between Bahia Honda Key and the island the holds Boy Scout Camp Sawyer.

I saw this lil sailboat on the way in and recognized it as the same one Dave Deihl had when we sailed tandem down the Mississippi River!
It's a 23 ft Macgregor Venture and I can't seem to get away from it! I am not sure why they anchored so far out though, it'll be a rough night for em....

Looking north, Little Pine Key anchorage. 1.5 ft of water at low tide. sand bottom and a slight septic smell blowing from the north from time to time.....

finally found some clear water! I know I could see the bottom if the wind was low!

While it's not the greatest sunset, It's December 24th and I personally took this Photo wearing shorts only on a boat I learned to sail solo from Illinois to here.
I honestly couldn't wish for more.....


  1. At first I thought "he didn't say goodbye", but after reading your post it brought to mind all the "beat the clock" departures we had made - so, Merry Christmas to you and Kitty! Smooth Sailin'!

    1. Hi Carol! Merry Christmas to you and Keith! I was sailing by when Keith was getting into his dingy and going to shore. I tried to get his attention but had no luck.
      I will see you both again soon!
