Due to the difficulties with the recent activities regarding Post Office unreliability ,
I have now installed a DONATE button on the left hand side of my blog.
This button will help out when anyone wants to help out!
The button will deposit money to my Paypal account and will accept most credit cards.
If you have been wanting to help but was unsure how to go about it,
then this may take the hassle out of the process.
I realize going to the store AND shipping things can get pricey .
The cost for shipping a care package could be easier used in gasoline at this point anyway.
Most of you know I do not motor unless absolutely necessary, usually when it IS needed , the weather conditions warrant excessive fuel consumption for safety sake.
I am not asking for money,
I started this trip with the knowledge that I would eventually do without a lot of things,
on the other side of the coin,
I would humbly accept any help that come through this button and unless otherwise specified will announce the names of the contributors, happily and with gratitude.
Thank you in advance ,
Rookie Sailing South,
Robin Wiest
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