National radar

Thursday, December 12, 2013

not completely wasted

I caught a ride into town with Keith from MOONLIGHT SUE(Thanks Keith!!), to get gas (which I got), and go to Mcdonalds to use the wifi to update my  system(which didnt happen due to their wifi didn't work)and get dogfood(which I got.)
I guess 2 out of 3 aint bad.
Along the way , the only things of note to get pix of were some wall murals so here ya go!

I didn't have many expectations for Marathon. The expectations I did have were for warm weather(which they have) , meeting friends(which I did), access to town(which they have).
When my friend Dave told me this was a tourist trap, I was skeptical. 
I believe him now.
To access town at all you must pay Each trip or pay for a mooring ball which includes lots of stuff(including town access) but is way beyond my budget. 
All the things that aren't to bad to pay to get elsewhere are very expensive here. I got the feeling that things are worse in Key West.
I find that the longer I am here anchored next to the mooring field the more depressed/oppressed/repressed I am feeling. The general atmosphere seems to have the feel of a desperate undertone that has an insidious way of becoming a part of everyone here.
They all say they love it here but whispered conversations, body language and haunted looks abound.
I honestly believe these boaters and citizens came here to "get away" or to be "free" and it looks to me like the opposite has happened.
The longer one stays here , The less money and freedom you will have due mostly to (I am guessing) corporate attrition .
I thought that if a person came here with more money that they may be happier. I suppose this may hold true for a while. I still hear folks with money complaining and see well dressed people with those haunted looks I mentioned earlier. 
I can't wait to get out to an uninhabited island so I can meditate on what I am feeling here.
I know all this sounds dark and paranoid but my instinct has served me well throughout the years and the times it was off , never harmed me.

Robins rule of thumb:
If you  are not having fun,
then your not having any fun.

We have a few days of unfriendly wind coming and I plan on being gone soon after. 
I really miss the beaches.


  1. Hang around long enough to a little Christmas present we sent .
    We did our whole cruise on a shoe string budget and we loved it every minute of it .
    Yes the tourist traps are expensive and to be avoided .
    You got to mix the free with the paying stuff in order to have a good time .

    1. Hello Anonymous! I am guessing this was Glenn by the terminology used. Thank you for the advice. I will watch the post office for new arrivals.Thanks !
