National radar

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finally got enough signal

I am HERE. on 2-1-14

I think I have enough signal to post some pix from my recent Everglades excursion. So here ya go!
 I supposed Shark River has it's own sort of dead beauty....

 This was a nice boat, tried to hail it but no answer.
 This ol salt came to visit after he got settled in. His ship is federally documented only and he was headed to Marathon. I mentioned the issues Monroe county has with federal documentation. I wish him luck!
ok next are some pix of First Bay.
 Well .... one of us got excited here...

 As you can see I had some time for reflection.....
 Anchored in the sky!

Next is Second Bay.

 It was cold enough to make it pancake weather!
These happened to be reinforced blueberry pancakes! They were so good they didn't have time to cool off before they were gone!
Ok ok I did get full half way through the batter. I cooked em all up for later and boy o boy! I put PB and raspberry jam on em and WOW! cant wait to try em again!
Next is traveling in the" 5-10 mph" wind that was forcasted....
 Sometimes you can't tell where the ocean meets the sky!
 I have only seen the Gulf this calm once before.
I got a sunburn this day and was wearing 2 layers of clothes by dark!

I got into some fog when at Kelly Key. had to wait about 2 hours so I could see past 30 ft!
 It's not as good as real life, but the yellowish trees here show the freeze that hit a week ago....
 On watch.
I absolutely HATE catching these things! eels...mean as hell. can bite through a glove I bet. Didn't test it. They grab your hook and really wind themselves up in your line so bad ya gotta get out the "rope wrench" (knife). Did I mention the slim? yeah that shit gets EVERYWHERE! yuck!
 I don't know about these folks......It seems to me that canoeing through a shark infested, snake filled, gator riddled, spider packed, skeeter clouded and noseeum clogged swamp AT NIGHT , will not be on my list of things to do ,,,,,, ever.
Stone Crabs!

 Best eating  I have found yet!
We are trying to train patience's slow goin .......
And there ya have it!
Presently at Coriander Key within a few miles of a marina that I hope to make it to tomorrow.
Weather make not let this happen till Tuesday.


  1. Love the pics soon glad your safe!

  2. Love the pics soon glad your safe!

  3. that eel is about a scarey creature! sunsets are beautiful.. crab claws look awesome! ocean meets the sky is the best! take care... smooth sailing... be safe..

  4. Great pictures Robin.

  5. Great pictures Robin.

  6. You could turn your reflection pics upside down and not be able to tell the difference!! Beautiful, amazing . .

  7. Thanks everyone! While the camera i have does good enough I guess I doesn't do justice to the breathtaking scenes I saw there.

  8. The saddlebunch is, I think, more beautiful than the bahamas. Enjoyed your blog.
