National radar

Saturday, January 11, 2014

not good enough

I haven't yet had the unfortunate necessity to have to dump my porta potty in the water at all.
I have always used a public facility in one way shape or form to empty my tank.
Today I went in to the marina to use the porta potty dump that  they have installed for setups just like mine which I have used once already since I have been here.
Now, in order to get the marina to allow me to dump my porta potty today, so I can be legal , I had to sign a paper that says, I am not legal and that  I will change my porta potty into a permanent head by cutting holes in my boat to allow for a pump out service to come to my boat .
The paper also states that I have 7 days to comply but I may get a citation while trying to comply regardless of whether or not I am trying to comply .
So .      New rule, great.           I know when I am not wanted.
I will take what revenue I do have elsewhere.
My time spent in the Florida Keys may have been warmer than the rest of the states but ya know...
                                                                ...enough is enough.
If  laws were straws , the poor ol camel would be smashed flat .

 I will be gone within 48 hours.

I seriously doubt I will ever come back.


  1. By the way, their own booklet they passed out at that meeting states that a trailered boat does not require a Class 2 MSD. Guess that FWC dude was right - they don't know their own laws.

  2. I guess my first comment didn't publish for some reason, so I will re-state. First, no one can force me to sign anything. Second, Keith says that your size boat does not require a Class 2 MSD. I would tell them you-know-what about altering my vessel in any way shape or form to satisfy their whims.

    1. Hi Carol! both your comments posted just fine. and I wasn't allowed to empty my porta potty unless I signed the paper.
      the funny part about this is , If my present setup goes down with the ship it will not leak out.
      If I do it like they want , the contents will come out through the went required .
      I think all law makers had lost their mind to greed...

  3. I know of no law that requires a boat like yours to have an MSD. I would challenge them to show that regulation. They may have local laws I don't know about. You know this partially because you have been boarded and inspected. The marina may just be trying to discourage you from being in the area. Your challenge is to be up on all the boating regulations so that people like this cannot trick you. It seems to be a Florida tactic. Don't be afraid to call/email the coast guard and ask them what the regs are if you can't find them. My solution would have been to take the potty somewhere else.

    As for taking your business elsewhere, that's what they want. You represent very little business, that's why they abuse you in the first place. They want to cater to people who pay for docks, dockominiums and waterfront houses. That's where the money is. The good news is the law is not entirely on their side. When they have no real legal course, they turn to tactics of half truths and intimidation and, of course, good old fashioned lying.
