National radar

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Perfect Fit!

I hauled the newly acquired dingy soon to be called Kitty's Wake, out of the water today.
Utilizing the power trim on the outboard and a rope , I was able to bring her aboard without struggle!
Once I got her to the resting place that I had guessed would work, I realized this lil boat was meant to be with DAWGFISH! I couldn't have made it to fit any better!!

As you can see , I had to haul her out to find and fix a leak.
She also has some corrosion along the waterline.
I guess I get to try my hand at using Epoxy resin!


  1. Where did you get ? Looks to be about an 8 footer .

  2. yep! 8ft Landau. 1988.
    They don't make these anymore . I got lucky with this one. The last one I saw , I was in my early teens . A new friend offered me this one.
    Unfortunatly these lil boats are dangerous if you are not on your game .....Probably why they quit making them....
